PL/SQL Features


What is PLSQL DataType in PLSQL

Features of PL/SQL

It have number of advantage over sql like it have error handling mechanism, reduce network traffic, better performance, highly secure, code re-usability.

  • High performance: PL/SQL is high performance transaction processing language.
  • Code Re-usability: It support code re-usability, it means no need to write code again and again same like SQL.
  • Error Handling: when any error are occurred then it return user friendly error message.
  • Procedural Language Capability: It consists of procedural language constructs such as conditional statements (if...else) and loops statements (for loop)
  • Block Statement: It consists of blocks of code, which can be nested within each other. Each and every block forms a unit of a task or a logical module.
  • Better performance: oracle engine processes multiple SQL statements simultaneously as a single block, due to this reducing network traffic.
  • Declare variable: It give you control to declare variable and access them within the block.
  • It support looping and conditional statements
  • Reduce Network Traffic: oracle engine processes multiple SQL statements simultaneously as a single block, due to this reducing network traffic.
  • Portable application: Applications are written in PL/SQL are portable in any available Operating system.

What is PLSQL DataType in PLSQL

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