Exception Handling in C++


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Exception Handling in C++

The process of converting system error messages into user friendly error message is known as Exception handling. This is one of the powerful feature of C++ to handle run time error and maintain normal flow of C++ application.


An exception is an event, which occurs during the execution of a program, that disrupts the normal flow of the program's Instructions.

Handling the Exception

Handling the exception is nothing but converting system error message into user friendly error message. Use Three keywords for Handling the Exception in C++ Language, they are;

  1. try
  2. catch
  3. throw

Syntax for handling the exception

Example of Exception Handling in C++

   // causes executions code
catch( ExceptionName e1 )
   // catch block
catch( ExceptionName e2 )
   // catch block
catch( ExceptionName eN )
   // catch block

Try Block

It is one of the block in which we write the block of statements which causes executions at run time in other words try block always contains problematic statements.

Catch block

It is one of the block in which we write the block of statements which will generates user friendly error messages in other words catch block will suppose system error messages.

Example without Exception Handling



void main() 
int a, ans;
cout<<"Result: "<<ans;


Abnormally terminate program

Example of Exception Handling



void main() 
int a=10, ans=0;
catch(int i)
cout<<"Denominator not be zero";


Denominator not be zero

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