Find Sum of Diagonal Elements of Matrix Program in C


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C Program to Find Sum of Diagonal Elements of Matrix

Using this code we find the sum of diagonal elements of a square matrix.For example, for a 2 x 2 matrix, the sum of diagonal elements of the matrix {1,2,3,4} will be equal to 5.

To write this code is same as the sum of elements of a matrix, we add only those elements of the matrix for which row number and column number is same, like 1st row and 1st column, 2nd row and 2nd column and so on(i==j).


1    2

3    4

Sum = 1+4 = 5

Considering 3X3 matrix

  • We have to add a[0][0],a[1][1],a[2][2]
  • By Observing, it is clear that when i = j Condition is true then and then only we have to add the elements
diagonal matrix program

C Program to Find Sum of Diagonal Elements of Matrix


void main()

   int i, j, matrix[10][10], row, col;
   int sum = 0;

   printf("\nEnter the number of Rows : ");
   scanf("%d", &row);
   printf("\nEnter the number of Columns : ");
   scanf("%d", &col);
   //Accept the Elements in m x n Matrix
   for (i = 0; i < row; i++) 
      for (j = 0; j < col; j++) 
         printf("\nEnter the Element a[%d][%d] : ", i, j);
         scanf("%d", &matrix[i][j]);
  //Addition of all Diagonal Elements
  for (i = 0; i < row; i++) 
   for (j = 0; j < col; j++) 
     if (i == j)
     sum = sum + matrix[i][j];
   //Print out the Result
   printf("\nSum of Diagonal Elements in Matrix is: %d", sum);


Enter the number of Rows : 2

Enter the number of Columns : 2

Enter the Element a[0][0] : 2
Enter the Element a[0][1] : 1
Enter the Element a[1][0] : 2
Enter the Element a[1][1] : 3

The Addition of All Elements in the Matrix is: 4
C program to find sum of diagonal elements in a matrix
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