Scope Resolution Operator in C++


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Scope Resolution Operator in C++

The scope resolution operator is denoted by :: in C++. Scope resolution operator (::) in C++ programming language is used to define a function outside a class or when we want to use a global variable but also has a local variable with the same name.

The scope resolution operator (::) basically does two things

  • Access the global variable when we have a local variable with same name
  • Define a function outside the class

Syntax of Scope Resolution Operator

:: global variable name

Resolution operator is placed between the front of the variable name then the global variable is affected.If no resolution operator is placed between the local variable is affected.

Using Scope Resolution Operator


int n=12; //global variable
int main()
int n=13; //local variable
cout<<::n<<endl; //print global variable:12
cout<<n<<endl; //print the local variable:13



If the resolution operator is placed between the class name and the data member belonging the class then data name belonging to the particularly class is affected.

If it is place front of the variable name then the global variable is affected. It is no resolution operator is placed then the local variable is affected.

Without Scope Resolution Operator

int a = 100; // global variable a = 100
int main() {
  int a = 200;   // local variable a = 200
  cout << a << "\n"; // print a      

Since, you have defined a = 200 locally (within the int main() function) , the output will be 200 not 100.



Scope Resolution Operator in C++

int a = 100;     // global variable
void main() 
  int a = 200;   //local variable
  cout<<"Local  variable: " << a << "\n";      
  cout<<"Global variable: " << ::a << "\n";  //using scope resolution operator


Local  variable: 200
Global variable: 100

Defining a Function Outside the Class

Scope Resolution Operator in class in C++

class scope_resolution 
  void output();  //function declaration
// function definition outside the class
void scope_resolution::output() 
  cout << "Function defined outside the class.\n";
void main() 
  scope_resolution x;


Function defined outside the class

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