Keyword at h1 tag


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Keyword at h1 tag

H1 tag is a most important place to put you keyword. You can use multiple time H1 tag, Search engines never penalized for this, but you can also put your keyword in h2, h3, h4 tag.

Your h1 tag should contain your most important keywords for that page and if possible the first word or words in the h1 should be the keywords. These should also match the page title keywords and META keywords. Your h1 tag should help your reader understand what the page is about.

Heading h1 Tag seo

Keyword at h1 tag

<h1>Best SEO Tutorial</h1>

In above syntax Best SEO Tutorial is our keyword which is inside h1 tag.

In this article, we’ll share:

  • Why are H1 tags important for SEO?
  • How to add an H1 tag to your page
  • H1 tag best practices
  • How to run an H1 tag audit

H1 vs H2 Tags

Generally speaking, you should only use one H1 tag per page. You can and should use multiple H2 tags to divide your content into sections that are easy for users to skim. H2 tags are a great place to include mentions of your primary keyword, in addition to related terms generated from a keyword suggestion tool. You can also get ideas for your H2 tags by reviewing the People Also Ask box within search results.

H1 Tags vs Title Tags

Title tags are another important HTML element. Like H1 tags, title tags indicate what your page is about to both users and search engines. However, there are some key differences between H1 tags and title tags.

Title tags appear in search engine results pages (SERPs), meaning they are the title of the page that users will see before clicking to your site. They also appear in browser tabs. HTML title tags are not visible anywhere on the content of a page. H1 tags, by comparison, are prominently visible to users on a webpage.

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